Impending thunder storm said the man at the Turnpike Toll Booth, hope you miss it. We had very little idea of New York City geography and we were a bit, a lot, reliant on Mr Garmin - remember that brick wall in China? Weather was still very misty too as a prelude to those impending thunder storms. So we go over one very expensive toll bridge that takes us onto Manhattan Island to be met by a long queue of traffic at 3.30 in the afternoon in Harlem we think taking us to another expensive toll bridge to take us off the Island only to face a near two hour trudge up Long Island to Roslyn which was very Great Gatsbyish twee. And expensive. Maseratis, Jaguars, Astons, Rollers and the usual Teutonic machinery. And all to get a half price hotel with free breakfast and parking. But it was very nice, as was the restaurant, and the arrival at the Atlantic signalled not only the end of the American Coast to Coast but also the American leg and our trip too.
We felt that our ride in Manhattan had not been enough. So we returned and made life difficult for ourselves. The impending had impended and we needed waterproofs to add a bit of colour to those photos. But Mr Garmin chose a freeway this time which took us back to Manhattan in substantially less time and also over a bridge where we didn't have to pay. What a difference a day makes. So Central Park, Times Square, Broadway, Wall Street and Ground Zero plus a host of other Avenues and Streets - just to say that we cut and carved in Manhattan traffic and what could they possibly do about an English registered bike driving down bus lanes? Clearly the road information we had was not the most current as we were continually being directed the wrong way down one way streets where we had to respect the road signs due to the presence of not only armed Officer Dibble but Deputy Dawg too. So we resorted to our usual trick of flagging down a taxi and asking to follow him to the hotel. Two refused even though it must have been less than 500m.
We then had to take the bike to New Jersey so it could be freighted back to the UK. Mr Garmin again chose a toll-free option and by now the sun had come out and we dried off in the 20 degree C sunshine. Come on Garmin, are you sponsored by the New York Transit Authority?New Jersey, well let's just say that we probably didn't get round to seeing the best it had to offer. Perhaps the New Jersey shed where we left the bike was so utterly drab in order to hide what was inside. The man was not that impressed by the cleanliness of the bike either. New York New Jersey weather we said but the truth is that the bike last had a very brief wash in Sydney but a proper clean back in Singapore
And then our own touristy bits. Not sure about the Calatrava at Ground Zero. It probably looked a lot less hemmed in when the Architect showed his sketches. The waterfall memorials are very moving and powerful indeed, but there's something about a Memorial Museum that didn't feel right at present, which was made even more so by the $24 entrance fee. There is an awful lot of commercial space being constructed too.
Staying in Central Manhattan is expensive but then again so is London, so why should we expect otherwise? But this did mean that we wouldn't be staying long. We managed to walk quite a bit. We managed the Empire State Building as our must-do paid visit, but also managed Brooklyn Bridge and the Staten Island ferry for views of both Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty for free. One starts to worry when the tourist hawkers try to sell you Statue of Liberty ferry tickets at $47 return a pop, but $57 if you don't get off at the island thus avoiding the queues. Surely you could save the whole $47, or $57 by not going at all?
We also managed Times Square and the Toys'R'us shop where Paul could face up to a Lego challenge. Then there was Washington Square in Greenwich village where we listened to the jazz musicians and chatted with a lady that used to work in the University about travels and culture. And then there was Central Park too where everybody seemed to be out getting the last drop of sunshine before the winter came in.
So our trip ends with us returning on a jet plane. We will have travelled from Greenwich to Greenwich (Sydney) to Greenwich (San Francisco) to Greenwich (New York) and back to Greenwich. What was the point? We tell people that we set off to go shopping at Sainsburys, but because Paul has difficulties with his right hand turns it took us a bit longer than anticipated. We will have done 26,576km and the missing link due to health issues back in April and May annoys us a bit some times. What was our best bit? Ask us in a couple of years when it has all sunk in.

So, whatever, or whenever next?
Paul & Françoise
So, whatever, or whenever next?
Paul & Françoise