Tuesday, 6 September 2016

West is West

29th July, 2016 

Not much to say about the route through Germany except that they drive fast. Our objective was simply to get to Lubeck. 

Lubeck old town was well worth the visit. The old town is an island with a large port with the un-German sounding name of Travemunde not too far away to the North. The western side of the island was far prettier than the eastern side. In fact it was very pretty indeed. Lots of stiletto church spires  and cafe and cake shops. Unlike the east. The old East German border was not far from Lubeck with Lubeck being in the west - had the island old town already split and done a Berlin? Oh yes, and marzipan. Why marzipan? It's not as though almonds grow in Northern Germany - or elsewhere around the Baltic we would have thought?

But Lubeck also felt like a genuine place where one could live and enjoy living there -  we weren't that sure about Brugge. And there weren't the millions of tourists.

Lubeck was about Baltic trade. It was a founder member of the Hanseatic League which has absolutely nothing to do with minor league football but was a medieval Baltic NATO or EU but for towns as opposed to countries. Maybe countries weren't that important then either. The Club verses Country issue.

Our accommodation was rather special as we also had to check in the bike. Not a big place;three rooms. And we breakfasted by candlelight in a small hall dating from 1304 which the bike passed through. presumably following in the treads of single digit horsepower transportation previous centuries ago. After quite a lot of recent experience we are now defining what constitutes a 'good' hotel and coffee served to you in the morning at breakfast is becoming a pre-requisite for 'good' status. Its a definite 'No' to serve-yourself machines and those jugs that are left hanging around at the end of buffet tables. Also got the first pickled herrings of the trip.

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